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The most fresh and up-to-date facts from all over the world are waiting for you here.
The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meanings: Major Arcana
Whether by your choice or not, change is on its way to your life when The Hanged Man is pulled. Better to take appropriate steps and work to steer this new path they way you want.
Your Aura Color
Aura is an invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds you. Spiritual astrologers pay great attention to its color as it reflects the flow of your inner vital energy. Find out what color your aura is and how to intensify it to use the power of your sign to the fullest.
How He Shows He Loves You
Sometimes it’s too hard for a man to pronounce the three magic words that make a woman’s heart beat faster. Luckily, other silent ways often speak much louder than simple words. How does your partner prove he loves you without ever saying it out loud?
Кем вы были в прошлой жизни?
Как узнать, кем вы были в прошлой жизни? По вашему знаку зодиака!
Ретроградный Меркурий: Как он влияет на ваш знак
Люди часто списывают своё поведение на ретроградный Меркурий. Но так ли сильно он влияет на нас в действительности?