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The most fresh and up-to-date facts from all over the world are waiting for you here.
Your Summer Horoscope!
Read your summer prediction and get ready for exciting adventures!
What Will Friday The 13th Bring You: Your Sign’s Luck
Do you believe Friday the 13th brings bad luck? Or maybe good luck? Let’s have a look at the potential of each sign for luck in general and how this Friday the 13th may affect your life.
Top Winter Vacation Ideas
Winter getaways are always special and different from the ones we have in warmer seasons. You get a unique chance to roll in the snow, make snow angels and snowmen, play snowballs and get involved into dozens of other thrilling winter activities. How to organize your perfect winter vacation? Follow the simple tips made for your sign and let this cold season become a truly cool one!
Which Oscar You’ll Win, According to Your Sign
The Academy Awards ceremony the end. And this is a nice reason to check which Award you deserve. Even knowing there is hardly an Oscar coming to our pocket, why not dream a bit? We have matched the brightest nominations to all the zodiac signs and suggest you check which Oscar could adorn your mantelpiece!
Your Labor Day Weekend Horoscope
The first Monday of September is traditionally celebrated as Labor Day, a public holiday honoring the contribution of workers to the US prosperity. We enjoy the last warm summer days and are ready to spend the day relaxing or joining an awesome party. How to make your Labor Day holiday truly special? Read our tips for each zodiac sign and prepare to have marvelous Labor Day!