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Runic 2021 Forecast
What you can expect from 2021, according to Norse runes
Pet Personality
Use your pet astrological profile to understand them better
Smart Gift Ideas: Christmas Horoscope
Who doesn’t like getting presents? Christmas is a wonderful time for both kids and adults to exchange gifts and demonstrate how we love and appreciate each other. Have you bought all the presents already? We’d advise you to read this helpful horoscope first and choose your Christmas gifts wisely! What would suit your Taurus mom or Pisces kid best?
How to Prevent Christmas Stress?
Let’s admit the simple idea – although the holiday is full of fun, happiness and blah-blah-blah it’s nevertheless a tough period for most of your family members. You spend almost all the time with them, and despite the fact, these people are the ones you love it’s pretty easy to get tired of them, too. Add this to the stress of Christmas parties, gift shopping, and dinner planning and you’ll soon understand that even this cheerful holiday is not a bed of roses. How to fight the stress torturing you? Here are a few tips for every zodiac sign that will help you stay calm and positive during the festive season!
“The Extraordinary Chris”, the most awarded psychic by his peers
The first contact CHRIS had with the mysterious powers of the psyche was in the early 70s. Like many true psychics, he started seeing and hearing things from an early age. While very young, he was introduced in suggestion and its parameters, including hypnosis, relaxation therapy and the resulting outcomes.