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The most fresh and up-to-date facts from all over the world are waiting for you here.
November Horoscope for All Signs
Remember, despite appearances, a wealth of opportunities awaits you this month! Discover what to expect!
Your Most Attractive Trait Based on Your Sign
What feature of yours makes you especially attractive in the eyes of others? Is it your sexuality, your charisma, or your faithfulness that makes other people fall in love with you or at least like you more than others? Choose your sign now and learn your strongest point!
Halloween Tarot Prediction
This time, we've decided to combine a classic Tarot reading and your festive horoscope to make this prediction memorable! Which card will you pick this time, and what will it promise to you? Click on your sign below to get the answer!
Worst Enemy of Your Zodiac Sign
In a world of unicorns and rainbows, everybody loves their close (and not so close) ones and has no enemies at all. In real life, though, we often meet people we dislike or even hate and consider our enemies. Have you ever thought that the way you treat this or that person can depend on his or her zodiac sign? Let’s see which sign could be your enemy!
Karmic Lessons Each Zodiac Sign Needs to Learn
Ever seen someone treating others horribly only to be put in their place later on? Perhaps you’ve been in that situation yourself and have quickly come to realize that you’ll eventually pay for the way you behave. That is the very power of Karma – it is the consequence of each and every one of our actions.