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November Horoscope Digest
Hey, you may have missed some of the most interesting Astro articles this October. Check them out now!
Quais são os 5 signos mais poderosos do Zodíaco?
A humanidade estuda a influência dos astros nas pessoas há centenas de anos, e cada vez estamos buscando compreender como cada signo pode afetar a personalidade das pessoas. De acordo com a astrologia, existem 5 signos que possuem uma energia muito forte relacionada ao poder: Leão, Touro, Sagitário, Escorpião e Capricórnio. Mas o que isso quer dizer na prática?
Halloween Horoscope
You may not have planned your Halloween night months in advance, but you shouldn’t miss the fun of one of the best holidays in the year either! Use these last-moment ideas of how to throw a scary good Halloween party according to your sign!
Understanding Sidereal Astrology
Did you know that you might have another rising zodiac sign? Western society has adopted a tropical system of astrology in terms of reading and understanding each zodiac sign. However, Vedic and Hindu cultures, along with other ancient civilizations, practice sidereal astrology instead.
Each Zodiac Sign's Spirit Animal
Your spirit animal is a guide, your own personal Jiminy Cricket in animal form. You share qualities with them, and they will teach you how to move through life with grace and purpose.