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The most fresh and up-to-date facts from all over the world are waiting for you here.
October Horoscope Digest
Hey, you may have missed some of the most interesting Astro articles this September. Check them out now!
Mercury Finally Goes Direct. So What?
Great news for all zodiac signs – after about three weeks of going retrograde, Mercury turns direct on October 2 and won’t go retrograde again up to December 28. We can have rest from confusion, frustration, and delays. Hooray! People hate it when Mercury goes retrograde, so now we can relax a bit and enjoy this period of peace. What can your sign expect soon? Scroll to your sign to learn!
Karmic Love Lessons
In astrology, love and karma are two things that are tightly intertwined, which is a reasonable explanation of why we all have different perceptions of an ideal relationship. An unlearned karmic love lesson can lead to challenges in love and family life. So, what is karmic love? What is your karmic love lesson? Read on to find out.
Best and worst qualities of your zodiac sign
The best qualities of each Zodiac sign yet, the worst qualities of each Zodiac sign... Each sign has something to be proud of - and something they hate about themselves. Check out the best and the worst qualities of your sign below!
How September Equinox Affects Your Sign
On September 23 (sometimes on September 22 or 24) the sun shines directly on the equator making day and night equal in length. In the Northern Hemisphere, this date marks the beginning of fall while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the first day of spring. What can your sign expect this fall equinox? See below!