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The most fresh and up-to-date facts from all over the world are waiting for you here.
Chinese Alternatives to Halloween
While Halloween is not popular among the Chinese, there are other traditional days of the dead that are well-known and widely celebrated. Find out more!
Thanksgiving in China
Thanksgiving is not at all popular in China, and yet, there is a lot to learn about the holiday!
Christmas in China
While Christmas is not popular among the Chinese, some beautiful traditions are still observed. Find out more!
Your Family Routine and Problems, Based on Your Sign
Our family members often drive us crazy. The bad news is that we can’t just leave our family or forget about it; we have to look for some ways that will help us deal with our relatives and maintain good relations with them. Which typical problems every sign faces in their family life and how to make this life harmonious? Scroll to your sign to see the answer!
4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance
The universe, in its infinite wisdom, has its favorites when it comes to dishing out luck, love, and a little (or a lot) of abundance. But who are these chosen few? Are they the charismatic leaders, the relentless go-getters, or perhaps the quiet strategists? The answers lie in the cosmic dance of the zodiac signs. Discover the four zodiac signs that are most likely to experience abundance.